How to Become a Better Content Marketer
It’s time to take control of your marketing campaigns.
Whether you are a marketer running hundreds of campaigns, or a small business owner who is only just beginning to attempt to make a name for yourself online, we have a list of lists, a conglomeration of everything you could ever want to know or need to know to become an expert content marketer.
Here are fifteen (plus a few bonus) of the best marketing resources, to make your self-promotion or marketing business even better than it already is.
1. How about 101 Marking Ideas from Marketing Zen?
That’s right, over a hundred ideas to get you started.
It may seem a little excessive, and you don’t have to employ or even read all one hundred of them, but this is a great place to start, especially if you’ve never marketed anything before.
2. What an even longer list of tips and tricks?
Here’s one: 100+ Marketing Ideas from Do It! Marketing.
This is another massive list.
Luckily, it’s organized, so you can quickly find help with either general marketing, finding your target market, and even things like finding the golden price for your product and how to communicate with your customers.
3. Content is king, but how do you create it?
Try this list: Smart Content Strategies from VerticalResponse.
How to create content that will both draw visitors and keep them on your website—and that’s not say anything of actually getting them to make a purchase.
This list will help you create content that you know people will find valuable.
4. How about a list that Debunks Myths of Content Creation by Content Marketing Institute – There is a lot of information out there on the web about how to create content.
What info is actually valuable and which is just blather?
This list lets you know.
And for some tips from people that actually make their money blogging (either for other people or from themselves, check out this list: Advice from Professional Content Creators (compiled by Buffer App).
5. How do you write awesome headlines?
With this list from Jeff Bullas.
You already know that you need a great title, but how do you actually write one?
The theory is solid, but this list make sure that you can actually deliver when it comes to those headlines.
6. Struggling with a small budget?
This list from small biz bee is for your.
Not every company has hundreds of thousands of dollars to throw at marketing campaigns.
What they might have, however, is a little extra time and a few dollars, which can make a serious difference, in the scheme of things.
7. Have some extra time to kill?
Why not try perusing the Top 75 Must-Read Online Marketing Blogs, a list compiled by unbounce.
If you’re serious about online marketing, then you need to be serious about getting involved with the industry.
Reading these blogs is a great place to start.
8. If you are still having trouble coming up with great content, here’s another list that might help you out: 40 Ways to Deliver Killer Blog Content, by Chris Brogan—a guy who knows.
This isn’t just a list that you read once, absorb, and be done with.
It’s something that you’ll return to each time you sit down to start writing your content.
Not only is it pleasure to read, it’s packed with great advice.
9. So, you’ve written your post. You have your headline written, and you’re ready to share it with the world.
Before you do, read this list, again by the Content Marketing Institute, that will tell what to do, once you’ve finished writing your blog.
10. Are you properly utilizing social media?
Have you not even thought about it yet?
This list of statistics will change your mind about how social media and blogging are related, how they draw in customers and why you should definitely get on top of both your social media campaigns and your blog immediately.
As a bonus, here are 48 more facts and figures about social media, brought to you by Jeff Bullas.
And a bonus in the bonus: seven infographics!
11. If you’re still not convinced that your small business can benefit from social media campaigns, this list will definitely change your mind.
You might not think you have time to involve yourself in social media, but we promise you, you’ll find the time once you see how impressive these stats from Social Media Today are.
12. Now that you know how important it is, this list from salesforce will make sure that you are using your social media to its fullest potential.
It’s not enough to just have a Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, etc. account, you have to utilize them properly.
Are you?
You’ll learn fifty ways to amp up your efforts and actually generate leads.
13. Do you sell a physical product?
Social Media Examiner’s 9 Creative Ways to Use Social Media to Launch a Product list will seriously help you.
While you might not think Facebook is the perfect place to announce your new product, it may actually be.
Who knew?
14. If you need help with a specific network, try salesforce’s list of tips just for LinkedIn, or Social Media Examiner’s list specifically for Facebook.
You’ll master these two social networks in absolutely no time, and maybe even use the knowledge you learn there to inform your efforts on other networks.
15. Last but not least, don’t forget about email marketing.
It still has one of the highest conversion ratios.
Vocus put together a mega list of 103 Ideas for Better Media Pitching to make your email marketing bigger and better than ever.
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