The Top Six Ways To Promote Your Dental Blog Article
You’ve written your content and posted it to your blog. All that’s left to do is watch the page views come rolling in, right? Unfortunately, the success of your dental blog depends on how much time and energy you are willing to put into promoting it, not just on the quality and value of your content. If you want your blog to start drawing major readers, you will need to do a little bit more than just posting great content. Here are the top six ways to promote your dental blog article, draw major readership, and start converting those readers into potential patients.
1. It’s all about the title.
Just like a book’s title or a headline on a newspaper, the title of your blog is what will draw readers in and encourage them to click on your link. A percentage or solid number in the title is always a good way to go. Lists are especially popular right now, but people also like to read about solutions to their problems.
“Five Ways to Improve Your Next Dentist Visit,” is a good example of a blog title that will draw in readers. First, it addresses a serious concern that many people have (a fear of the dentist), and notes that the article will provide five ways to make the visits better. At least one of those ways has got to help, right?
As a word of warning, there are many blogs that try to draw in readers with misleading or sensational titles. Rarely does the content live up to what is promised in these titles. The last thing you want to do is disappoint your readers. Make your titles truthful!
2. Make it shareable.
Part of how viral your blog article is going to be depends on how easy it is to share. Copying and pasting a URL into a status or tweet is so last century. Today’s users want to be able to click a button and share your content with the world, without evening opening another tab. If you don’t have sharing icons on your blog, install a widget that allows your readers to share and you to track who is talking about you and where.
And don’t just focus on Facebook or Twitter. While those are the most likely places people will share your article, they will also want to pin it to a Pinterest board. Make sure you have images that are Pinterest-friendly, like infographics or a relevant picture with the title of the blog article overlaid. Once it’s shareable, make sure that you share it!
3. Thoroughly optimize it.
Your content should be keyword-rich, with plenty of relevant, well-integrated keywords. But you shouldn’t leave the title, description, heading, or page name high and dry. Google looks specifically at this information. So, if you are trying to rank for “best dentist office in NYC,” make sure the title of your blog includes that search phrase. Keywords are as important in titles and page data as they are in the content itself.
Don’t cut your SEO off at the knees by not including your keywords in the meta data. Most blogging platforms provide a way to edit your own meta tags, titles, and descriptions, but if you’re afraid of messing up the HTML, find a freelancer or web design company that can adjust this information for you.
4. Reach out to influences and taste makers.
If you have valuable content to share, someone is going to want to talk about it, but you often have to be the person to promote the content enough that someone with a massive following will pick it up and read it. There are plenty of ways to get in touch with people who might be interested in reading your content, and a social media management tool can be seriously helpful in finding people to reach out to.
Search Twitter for relevant hashtags and look for people who are looking for the information that you have. If someone is looking for a dentist, trying to learn about a specific procedure, or worrying about the health of their mouth, you can swoop in with your blog. To that person looking for information, you’ll be a super hero and they will be far more willing to share and promote your blog once they’ve personally experienced how helpful it can be.
5. Keep an eye on your metrics.
There are plenty of ways to track how many people are sharing your blog article or talking about it in media. Google Analytics is a good way to see how active your link is and how many people are visiting your blog. You can also use Google Alerts to see who might be talking about you or your content, even if they don’t post a direct link.
Knowing what is working and what isn’t working is the best way to know how you can improve on the next post. If no one is clicking on a shared link, try adjusting the wording of your title or the format of your content. If people are clicking on the link, but not staying on the page long enough to actually read the content, is the content itself living up to what is promised in the title?
6. Share it again.
While it’s never a good idea to inundate people with the same message over and over, if you see a particular article gaining some steam, keep pushing it. Share it again! Make sure that those who didn’t get a chance to click on it the first time around have another chance to see what great content you’ve posted to your dental blog today.
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